Have you ever been placed in a situation for which you really felt unqualified? Maybe you end up receiving promotion at work you didn’t expect? Maybe you are asked to guide a small group in your church or to teach young people? Maybe people start asking advice on various issues in their lives. No matter what the situation, it is most likely that there have been times in his life in which he felt less than qualified for the task in question.
There are moments in our lives in which God places us in situations in which we do not feel qualified because he knows that when we do those things we will not look for to obtain credit, but that we will give all the praise for anything good that they can see from the situation. When we feel that there is not much more possible that we be called to a task, so it is less likely that we are proud of it at the end. Feeling unqualified is something that goes back to the times of the Old Testament. God wanted Moses to talk to the Israelites. I wanted Moses to go to Pharaoh as representative of the Israelites and then also talk to the Israelites about the plans that God had for them. Moses spent a lot of time arguing with God about the call.
“But Moses begged the Lord, ‘Oh Lord, I’m not very good with words. I’ve never been, and I’m not now, even though you’ve spoken to me. They bind me with my tongue and my words get entangled. Then the Lord asked Moses: «Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, listen or not listen, see or do not see? It’s not me, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you while you talk, and I will instruct you about what to say. « Exodus 4: 10-12
Moses suffered many doubts. He definitely did not want to leave his comfort zone. He was concerned that people would not listen to him and make fun of himself stumbling with the words. How many times do we question our qualifications to do something that we know that God has called us to do? How many times do we begin to compare ourselves with others and find more «qualified» people who know that God should have called that task? God was not going to let Moses get out of this call. He ended up providing support to Moses through the addition of his brother Aaron, but God wanted Moses to involve this task.
When we feel less than qualified, we need to know that God has called us for a reason and part of that could be because when we do, and we do not feel adequate, then all the credit will go to God. When others see us entering areas or skills that do not correlate with our talents and personalities, then people realize that God is using us in that area. What do you really think that God has called you to not entering the doubt? Enter who is calling you to be and use your limitations like a springboard so that others see their glory.
This devotional was written by Amy Carrico to make the moments import. Click HERE To follow her on Facebook!
Last update on February 3, 2025