His plants are subject to more potential problems during the winter months. Hard conditions such as freezing temperatures, wind, snow and ice can really affect.
We know that your landscape is important for you, so we are talking about the steps you can take to protect plants in winter. Making intelligent decisions for your property to protect the outdoor plants can help ensure that you can maintain your investment.
We will share six useful tips that include:
#1: Apply an anti-disiccant spray
#2: Gently brush the snow snow to avoid snow flexion
#3: How to cover plants for frost
#4: Be careful with thaw materials
#5: Mantillo plants to isolate and protect roots
#6: Prevent problems with the medical care of plants
With reflexive planning and a little attention, it can help make sure that their plants do not succumb to any damage during the winter months.
Certain trees and shrubs can be more susceptible to cold weather conditions than others. An excellent example is Evergreens, which can really fight when the ground freezes and the roots can no longer drink water. When this happens, they will start using water that they have already stored.
It does not take long in these conditions to lead to dehydration.
Applying an anti-disiccant aerosol can provide a protective coating that prevents the leaves from losing too much water through evaporation. This helps save until the last drop of water.
When your bushes are stacked with snow, they can be folded and becomes deformed. You can prevent this from happening Every few hours to gently notice the snow of your shrubs. You can give them a shake or try to brush it.
This can greatly contribute to preventing the branches from overloading with snow, which can lead to its bush leaving or ending with distorted branches.
While this is an excellent way to protect plants outdoors, it still has to Keep security at the forefront of everything you do. We would never advise to climb a ladder to knock out the snow, as this can be incredibly dangerous. This is a better reserved task for its smallest bushes that can clear from the ground.
Also keep in mind that you should Never try to remove ice from your tree or bush branches. If you have an ice accumulation in any branches, you can do more harm than try to break it. Often, people accidentally end up damaging the branch. The ice will melt once it is heated again.
Another step you can take to protect outdoor plants is Cover them and avoid frost damage. Frosts can damage plants by making moisture freeze. A fabric material works better to cover frost plants.
Avoid covering plastic plants since this material is not breathable and can do more damage than well. Plastic bags can be heavy when raining or snowing and can crush fragile plants.
The plant fabric obviously works, but can also use domestic objects (already available) such as sheets, pillows or blankets. Even cardboard can work to cover and protect plants in case of trouble.
Unlocking materials used to keep their path of entry and safe corridors can be harmful to plants. Chemicals can melt on the ground and alter their composition, so it is an inhospitable environment for most plants. There are safer alternatives to traditional dreary materials that can be used in place.
While these tend to be more expensive, the additional amount it spends is small compared to what could cost replace the plants that are damaged and die.
Another excellent way to protect plants in winter is to apply mulch. As a natural insulator, Mulch will help protect their precious extreme temperatures roots. The mulch helps to retain some heat and humidity and also to avoid evaporation of the wind.
The mulch can also protect its freezing and defrost plants, which can be harmful to fragile roots systems.
Plant Medical Care Services before winter – including things like fertilization and insect protection – It will help your plants to be healthier when aimed at the winter season.
This can make a big difference since the plants that are already struggling will have more difficulties to face hard winter conditions. Medical care throughout the year For your plants it is the definitive solution to guarantee your long -term health..
When taking a good choice in a trees and shrubs program, he will be on the way to having healthy and prosperous trees and bushes that make his landscape beautiful.
That means obtaining the maximum value and enjoyment of your property it deserves. It also means that their plants will be well protected from stressful factors, including the winter season (and all the harsh conditions that accompany it).
Be sure to choose a company that values soil health while looking for the medical care of plants in Cincinnati, Dayton, Oh and northern Kentucky. In Oasis Turf & Tree, we believe The best defense against insects and disease is to improve the general health of their plants first. This can be achieved by improving the health of your soil.
When he makes an investment in medical care of the plant, he is making an investment in the longevity of his landscape.
If you want to obtain more information on the health care of trees and shrubs for your Cincinnati, Dayton, Oh, or Northern Kentucky, call us today at 513-697-9090 to obtain your price, let us help you choose a program Independent or Agripélo with other services and then sit down and relax knowing that it is in good hands.
Image sources: snow in pine, Rama broken